Thursday, December 08, 2005
Guinea Pig

I'm going to do a small serial over the coming days. I'm currently sitting in a small room in a hospital located somewhere in Melbourne readying myself for my first night as a test subject in a clinical trial.
Tomorrow I'm to take a drug that will potentially be used to combat rheumatoid arthritis, and so will begin my not-so-secret life as a medical prostitute. Tonight I arrived with too much luggage, and a sense of adventure. Although any adventure will be limited to about three rooms. One giant room is full of hospital beds that are side by side to each other. We sleep in these. The room next to this has a telly, a DVD player and a pool table. The final room has computers and an X Box. It really is like a little holiday so far. We ate pizza and watched Futurama. I think all this fun stuff we've done so far is designed to take our minds off the fact that I and 19 other similar aged males are to be taking an unreleased medication and have lots of blood taken for testing.
The only annoying thing so far is the fact that I've forgotten my toothbrush so if anyone is in the area give me a buzz and if you bring a toothbrush and some toothpaste I will buy you dinner. Otherwise I'll have to brush my teeth with aftershave and fair degree of stupidity. I think I already have the latter as evidenced by my being here in the first place.
I'm not sure when the turning point for using my body as a physical tool to make money, however it could prove to be a popular fad amongst Australian uni students.
Let the trial begin!
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Good luck. Incidentally, do you actually have rheumatoid arthritis, or does that not matter for the tests?
I don't have rheumatoid arthritis, as the test is supposedly being conducted on healthy young male test subjects. Whether or not I was completely healthy involved some bending of various truths.
Whether or not I'm going to be healthy in three days after this immuno-suppresant I'm not sure!
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Whether or not I'm going to be healthy in three days after this immuno-suppresant I'm not sure!
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